As we believe that you will work better if you are happy, we encourage employees to have a balanced life. Maybe you like to fish, to make arty paintings, dance, fix cars, spend time with your family and friends, go to the gym etc. There must be time for things which are important to you. You should not need to postpone things until you are retired. If you need to leave early one day, you must not feel guilty for doing so. We have flexible work hours to meet our customers requirements in different time zones around the world.

The overall quality concept of deliveries to our customers, also includes your private life.

By attracting the best, let the best flourish and establishing an engaged, high-performing, and diverse team, we can ensure to deliver the best quality service to our customers. The individual is to contribute but we work as a team, and we welcome diversity.


When working in a global work environment, environmental awareness has to be recognized in projects. We of course use the technology if we can avoid unnecessary travel. Well planned online meetings can handle many issues and updates.

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